Recently, I read an article called The 11 Best Foods You Aren’t Eating. I found it fascinating. I got some of the answers to my Q&A post from this article as well. It was one of my favorite articles so far because it helped me realize many different foods that many of us should be consuming more of each day. I think my favorite thing to learn about was cinnamon because it's something that tastes so good to me. Who knew that eating cinnamon not only helps control your blood sugar, but as well helps control your cholesterol!
I also love the fact that just by eating frozen blueberries, I can help better my memory and get them all year around! Different foods like these are definitely the way to go! Their are nine more that you'll find remarkable! Click on the link and find out what life savers you're missing out on today!
What a cool article! I learned in one of my classes the other day that putting a cinamon stick in one glass of water each day can reduce the risk of heart disease (I don't remember by how much!) It's so interesting to see what huge effects just a small change in diet can make.