I just read a really neat article because I learned of new very healthy foods that I could buy under a dollar. Of course, I knew most of them would be some types of fruits and vegetables, but I learned of a couple of other cheap foods that are extremely healthy! One of my favorite I learned about was lentils. I love lentils! I had them a ton on my mission in Chile and they were extremely good! Who would have thought that you can get lentils for 14 cents a serving! Any of you who are scared to try lentils, go for the plunge! They're not only amazing in soups but sooo good for you. They provide 9 grams of fiber, 6 grams of protein, and 8% of the daily amount of iron you're supposed to take in.
Another thing I really liked on the list was yogurt. Just for sixty cents,(sometimes less!) you can get 8 ounces of yogurt to eat alone, use for smoothies, or even use for dips! In just 8 ounces of yogurt, you can get 45% of your daily value for calcium, and live cultures such as acidophilus and bifidus. Some of the other foods I really liked were canned beans, oranges, bananas, pears, canned tomatoes, baby carrots, and pearl barly. Some might not even know what pearl barly is. I heard it's really good in soups and stews. Just look up a recipe with pearl barly and I'm sure you'll find a ton of good soups or stews you can make with this very cheap, healthy food!
You love yogurt because you use it to make smoothies with me!