Monday, January 26, 2009


1.Which cancers do broccoli help suppress? Breast Cancer
2.Why are low-fat dairy products good for your skin?Dairy Products contain Vitamin A which help your skin thrive
3.Eating blueberries helps out with what skill?Help better your memory
4.Why is the red pigment in beets so important?It may be a cancer fighter
5.What can antioxidants do for you?They help prevent and control serious illnesses
6.Why do women especially need folic acid in their diet? It helps prevent neural tube defects in babies.
7. Not enough calcium in your diet can produce which disease? It can cause scurvy and different types of cancer.
8.why do doctors highly recommend fish in your diet as a main source of protein? They contain many Omega-3's which are good for your body
9.What do carotenoids do for your body?They age eyes
10.Magnesium in your diet is associated with a lower-risk of what? Early death


  1. This is really cool because I always am trying to remember what foods do what for me! How often is it recommended that we eat most of these foods and does anything bad happen if we eat too much of these good foods?

  2. This is so interesting! I had no idea that Vitamin A helps your skin, what antioxidants did, or what carotenoids were. It's too bad people don't know about these things at an early age. They are really easy steps to help stay healthy.
